Saturday, December 22, 2012

I will continue this series once there is an interest.  I always try new things and don't see the failure in trying.  This is all new to the church, I never even seen anybody do what I have done with making Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon a professed Messiah by his followers pure Divine Principle available to people of the public the way I have through my blog.  It is only a few months old and hundreds visit weekly and I wanted to give up because no response, but I will never give up giving out this life giving words.  I will not give up on anyone.  Until there is interest such as questions for this series and invovlement I will just postpone, but not stop it. 

Have a good one,
Denise Rochelle M.

Fallen Man

"The original mind of man, which is the source of conscience, wants happiness.When this desire is fulfilled, he feels happiness."


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Q: What is God's Nature?

9-minute Introduction Video:  
Divine Principle Video Series Chapter One Part 1

Friday, December 14, 2012

Divine Principle Introduction

"What should the true way of life be? First of all, you must become true men and women by following the true word or true law. " Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Below are the actual screen shots of a Divine Principle Power Point presentation.  To see a larger picture for this and others like it, just click on the picture and should open in another window.

At the age of 16, the author of the Divine Principle, Dr. Reverend Sun Myung Moon,who founded the Unification Theological Seminary and Unification Church (Mass Weddings), suffered many questions such as "Is there life after death?" "Does God Exist?" "Why is there suffering?" "Why Doesn't God Remove Man's Problems?" .  Then he had an extraordinary experience.

Why is Reverend Moon's "interpretation" of the bible different than any other?  Because he is the Messiah.  Jesus visited him with the purpose to pass on his foundation for Rev. Moon to complete it.  Before his death late 2012 his last public words were "Everything is finished". 

Jesus came to bring heaven on earth and bring physical not just spiritual salvation to humanity.  Reverend Moon's Divine Principle answers hidden questions of the bible that helps God's children use His words to bring a complete end to satan's realm and reign over His children. 

The only setback is God gave every person a human portion and will of responsibility to follow or reject this new information.  The Divine Principle envelops every religion nation and people and will bring about a revolution of peace, happiness and the completion of Gods struggle to the earth.

Below are reasons every human benefits from studying the Divine Principle:

(Please give YOUR answers to one or more of the questions below.  If there are any questions.  They will be answered shortly even years later)

Question #1:

Do you think it is possible to solve the world's problem of hunger, murder, premature death, disease, hate, racism etc. and how do you think religion will end it... ?

If you did not think so, you would not take the time to read this.  Many atheist said God cannot exist for the simple fact that the list above exists and a god does not stop their creation from suffering. 

There are many posts that relate to this seemingly contradiction of a loving God and His creation.  Why doesn't he end evil, why does he not destroy satan and many questions that even in these Last Days children of faith are beginning to ask.

By studying the Divine Principle you will obtain God's point-of-view of questions concerning:

1.  God's Point-of-View of Marriage/Love/Family
2.  Life
How the break down of the unity of an individuals mind leading the body has caused struggle
3.  Origin of Spirit World Problems that Manifest into Our World   
4.  What is purpose of life and relationships between humans/God/Creation/Spirit World

We may think these all majorly have been answered already through different religions, philosophies, politics, and scholars.  The Divine Principle gives humanity God's answer to the fundamental problems in the world through getting rid of the root of the problem in the first place. 

Humanity has used different ways to understand how to address each problem according to the rising circumstances, but have been unable to eradicate and find a solution for problems for thousands of years.

Christians and many other faith believe we are living in the Last Days. 

The Last Days is an ending to evil.  No longer will darkness hide and destroy goodness, but in these last days, Goodness will conquer evil in every facet bit by bit.  The only way to do this is through God's words.

Question #2:

If religions have a set standard, why is there still confusion of right or wrong?

1. From what measure view good or evil?
2. If values/lifestyle different who right

Question #3

Will we Ever Become Perfect and realize a Perfect World?

3. To realize a United Peaceful World
4. To know True Man

Question #4:

If religion, laws, philosophy and the like are set in place, why haven't historical problems been solved even within religion?

5. The Reason Why We Can Not Solve Historical Problems

    1. Humanity attempts to solve problems without acknowledging the existence of God.
    2. Believers solve problems without God
    3. Humanity dismisses we are fallen and need restoration

Question #5


How do we obtain happiness?

Every human strives for happiness and tries to avoid misfortune, but it seems that there are more misfortunes.  A perfect God did not have this in His original plans yet, every human being suffers from unhappiness at times.

These questions are directly addressed and answered using God's point-of-view of biblical events and "decoding" events that seemed questionable and unGod-like by the saints that were blessings to God's dispensation. 

For instance, the cunning act of Tamar in order to conceive a child from a certain lineage and the rival between Esau and Jacob were all God's way of restoring the wrongs of Cain and Abel relationships and to have a foundation to bring Jesus, born of a woman and free from sin, to the earth.

Stay tuned Every Saturday and check periodically the How to Achieve World Peace blog for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  Have a great rest of the week and see you next Saturday.

We begin the focus on the first chapter of the Divine Principle "The Principle of Creation" that delves into the question of God existence and purpose for creation humanity and nature.

This content was taken from a combination of actual Divine Principle lectures given to over a millions since 1960.